Friday, May 16, 2008

IKEA in Kota Kinabalu

Well, not quite, but close. Other than a shop in Karamunsing I found that does sell some IKEA furniture, there is now a shop called Living Concepts selling almost 100% IKEA products.

You know you got hypermarkets and supermarkets, well this is the supermarket version, they have a much smaller range of IKEA products. As an IKEA fan, I am very happy that someone has decided to bring in IKEA here. Previously whenever I was in KL i would use up 15kg of my baggage allowance just to ship IKEA stuff over here. The showroom is similar to IKEA's layout, of course to a smaller scale.

Hope they do well and expand the product range :)

1 comment:

tzen said...

Hi! Is this shop still around? Where is it? I've just recently moved to KK and am looking for some furniture and love Ikea too.