Recently there was a need to photocopy documents while entering kampung areas. And well.. not all kampung have access to a photocopy machine. So whats the plan? Off to Karamunsing (KK version of Malaysia's Low Yat or Singapore's Sim Lim) to look for a printer. I was recommended an HP model printer. Since I was on a budget and printer in a car plus vibrations I don't know how long it will last, I bought the HP F4185 model. It has all the things that I need. Scanner and printer = photocopy machine.

Now I'm left with one problem.. Power.. That's where the power inverter comes in. I came across a 150Watt inverter which should be more than enough for powering a printer.

Rushed back home to give it a try.. well it works :) not only that. there is some spare wattage for me to plug in my handphone charger and my laptop if needed. Well its nothing new.. just a bit exciting to be more mobile now :)
Total Damage: RM239 (Printer) + RM78 (Inverter) = RM317
Bought from Boulevard IT.
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